Sunday, November 21, 2010

Keeping Time

Wake up warm and lost in time,
Let the day roll on beyond your mind.

Tethered to the one that sleeps,
Let it go or play for keeps?

Worlds are chaotic in each own mind,
But together, help keep the time.

Times of past continue to burn,
To bad the gears continue to churn.

In this busy place one needs a post,
Something somewhere loved the most.

Worlds are chaotic in each own mind,
But together, help keep the time

While we endlessly search and explore,
Don't forget there's nothing to ignore.

Sometime somewhere we need to stop.

And wake up warm, lost in time,
To let the day roll on beyond the mind.

Tethered to the one that sleeps,
Hold it dear, always keep

Worlds are chaotic in each own mind,
But together, help keep the time

Monday, February 1, 2010

..::Systems Theory::.. [Vibration]

"The more one studies these things, the more one realizes that sound is the creative principle. It must be regarded as primordial. No single phenomenal category can be claimed as the aboriginal principle. We cannot say, in the beginning was number, or in the beginning was symmetry, etc. These are categorical properties which are implicit in what brings forth and what is brought forth. By using them in description we approach the heart of the matter. They are not themselves the creative power. This power is inherent in tone, in sound."
-Hans Jenny

"We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of Space in which the field is extremely intense....There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality."
-Albert Einstein

"Metaphorically, our physical body, emotions, and thought processes are like cymatic forms which are organized by underlying vibrational fields, the densest (the physical), being animated by the subtler vibrations (emotions and thoughts)."
-John Beaulieu, N.D. Ph.D.

A God of Small Things

Life as abstract self contained moments all intricately woven together by a single thread,
Ghostly web silk extends,
from some reaching out towards phantom moments that will never be,
Their details fuzzed, only noticeable from details from a sometimes misguided and perpetually foggy mind,
Here now is a bubble surrounded by the fog of the unknown with a thread slowly extending with each ever divisible moment of measurable time,
Here now, bound to this thread, until a gust of wind blows and for a glorious moments time,
The entire framework of dream and experience comes into focus,
The fog washes away, the spark of neurons lighten forgotten moments.

I slowly put back down the ticket stub...realizing the power of small things and the limitless connection between all things.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Earth Turned to Bring Us Closer

The earth turned to bring us closer,
it spun on itself and within us,
and finally joined us together in this dream
as written in the Symposium.
Nights passed by, snowfalls and solstices;
time passed in minutes and millennia.
An ox cart that was on its way to Nineveh
arrived in Nebraska.
A rooster was singing some distance from the world,
in one of the thousand pre-lives of our fathers.
The earth was spinning with its music
carrying us on board;
it didn't stop turning a single moment
as if so much love, so much that's miraculous
was only an adagio written long ago
in the Symposium's score.

-Eugenio Montejo (1938 - 2008)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Everything Is Illuminated

Words and context.
Sights and smells.
Thoughts and feelings.
Sometimes the best way to say something is to not say anything at all.
In a moments time, I can find myself holding up so much.
Like there's some sort of vacuum of feeling that exponentially captures everything in such a way that can only be extracted and realized in the years to follow.
Great moments happen so fast and perfectly that the beauty of it all needs time to be truly known.
Cherish every second you can, because a second can hold so much.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Migration Imminent

Migration imminent. Please procure any items successfully quarantined and approved for migration from Zone 17 to InTheMiddleofNowhere 877. Thank you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

MindMindMind Pt. 2

At what point does microscopic become the macroscopic. If we're all living things made of microscopic material. We only see ourselves as a macroscopic thing but we're really trillions of microscopic things. I feel like observation, whether it be mental or visual, has some sort of effect on this determination. What is the power of observation? Maybe we're just mentally confined to always seeing dichotomies. Alive or dead as opposed to everything always being microscopic. We see how microscopic things are compiled into macroscopic objects but we often miss the complexities of the microscopic or possibly even the macro above our vision of macroscopic.